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male Bronx, NY, United States
15 years ago
i would like to thank you all for your prayers.the doctors said she is going to be okay.
15 years ago
Yesterday my Ex-girlfriend was involved in a serious accident.my heart stopped.in 6yrs i have prayed for her daily.Nico is going to be ok
15 years ago
If you could afford to go anywhere in the world, where would you go ? would you go if you could travel free? ping.fm/mHgsn
15 years ago
i would like to take the time to thank you all for joining us in the webinar.hope to see you again for the next one.thank you again
15 years ago
inviting people to a blogging webinar ..get to know how to and how not to blog bit.ly/ER2bs and why you need to have a blog.
15 years ago
Doing spilt testing for my website..SEO optimization and listening to ping.fm/WiuUv
15 years ago
working on a new blog about the travel industry.should be a very soon.my main focus is worldventures bit.ly/fOCy
tich is
15 years ago
marketing online