5Friends 16Fans
female Malaysia
tom108 says
15 years ago 3
过了一个忙碌的星期,现在才再回到这里报到。 :-))
tom108 says
15 years ago 3
3rd cake from hubby, my favorite fruit cake. (hungry) Thanks everybody.
tom108 says
15 years ago
2nd is from my ex-collegue, anyway they are my best friends now, classic cheese cake from Secret Recipe, (tongue)
tom108 says
15 years ago
I have 3 birthday this year. 1st one from my colleague, blueberry mourse cake from CakeSense. (mmm)
tom108 says
15 years ago 3
So long not see my little nephew,maybe miss Jayden, he is in my dream last night, kicking the blanket, so cute, (cozy)
tom108 says
15 years ago 3
finally I am able to get Haagen Danz ice cream strawberry favour, and selling cheaper than highway. (mmm)
tom108 says
15 years ago 1
go out for lunch later, ideal what to eat. (hungry)
tom108 says
15 years ago 5
so long not on plurk. busy on work & farming, :-D
tom108 says
15 years ago
嘻嘻,还有没有忘了要去农场收成哦! (applause)
tom108 says
15 years ago
好了,我要开始忙碌的一天了,难得休假日,要去做许多平时没有可能做的事:陪妈妈去庙,买日用品,教琴,学琴,上茶艺班,准备茶席。 (gym)