薩伯紳士本日推薦的晚餐是 炭燒羊肉佐魚子醬與生魚片。食評:Expectation is the root of all stomachache.
薩伯紳士本日推薦的午餐是 焗烤南瓜佐生蠔與烏魚子。食評:For gourmet is always strange; stranger than fiction.
薩伯紳士本日推薦的晚餐是 燙鰻魚佐火腿與時蔬。食評:Hunger is the best sauce.
薩伯紳士本日推薦的午餐是 紅燒山河佐洋蔥與阿給。食評:A man seldom thinks with more earnestness of anything than he does of his dinner.
薩伯紳士本日推薦的晚餐是 照燒鮭魚佐酸黃瓜與瓠瓜。食評:Arsenic is edible. Only once.
薩伯紳士本日推薦的午餐是 焢南瓜佐臘腸。食評:An overflow of good ingredients converts to bad food.
薩伯紳士本日推薦的晚餐是 乾煎火腿佐魚子醬。食評:I think I'll eat this another day.
薩伯紳士本日推薦的午餐是 生鱈魚佐時蔬與火腿。食評:For gourmet is always strange; stranger than fiction.
薩伯紳士本日推薦的晚餐是 照燒鯛魚佐時蔬與芫荽。食評:Hope you enjoyed the meal..... Goodnight.
薩伯紳士本日推薦的午餐是 爌水餃佐橄欖油與鮮蝦。食評:I bet you make it 20 miles before you consider eating that.