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Taipei, Taiwan
薩伯紳士本日推薦的晚餐是 炭燒鱉佐培根與納豆。食評:He who does not mind his belly, will hardly mind anything else.
薩伯紳士本日推薦的午餐是 葱爆松葉蟹佐培根與奶油。食評:The first time you see something that you have never seen before, you almost always know right away if you should eat it or run away from it.
薩伯紳士本日推薦的晚餐是 焗烤魷魚佐荸薺。食評:The first time you see something that you have never seen before, you almost always know right away if you should eat it or run away from it.
薩伯紳士本日推薦的午餐是 紅燒章魚佐鮮蝦。食評:Klotz's Law -- The quality of restaurant food is inversely proportional to the size of the peppermill.
薩伯紳士本日推薦的晚餐是 涮透抽佐臭豆腐與醃洋蔥。食評:What's dined can't be undined.
薩伯紳士本日推薦的午餐是 微波大鱉蛋佐起司與荸薺。食評:It's just the right dish... for me that is.
薩伯紳士本日推薦的晚餐是 乾煎墨西哥餅佐薯條與洋蔥。食評:It's just the right dish... for me that is.
薩伯紳士本日推薦的午餐是 紅燒螃蟹佐臭豆腐與臘腸。食評:Your problems are all behind you now.
薩伯紳士本日推薦的晚餐是 碳烤山河佐酸黃瓜與奶油。食評:It is a melancholy truth that even great cook have their poor recipes.
薩伯紳士本日推薦的午餐是 煙燻地瓜佐荸薺。食評:An overflow of good ingredients converts to bad food.