薩伯紳士本日推薦的晚餐是 微波義大利麵佐酸黃瓜與蘆筍。食評:Come, gentlemen, I hope we shall drink down all unkindness.
薩伯紳士本日推薦的午餐是 煲豬肉佐蘆筍與培根。食評:Hunger is the best sauce.
薩伯紳士本日推薦的晚餐是 煙燻義大利麵佐芥末醬與海帶。食評:Come, gentlemen, I hope we shall drink down all unkindness.
薩伯紳士本日推薦的午餐是 快炒豬肉佐鮮蝦。食評:If it screams, it's not food... yet.
薩伯紳士本日推薦的晚餐是 清蒸地瓜佐香菜與洋蔥。食評:Klotz's Law -- The quality of restaurant food is inversely proportional to the size of the peppermill.
薩伯紳士本日推薦的午餐是 醋溜鮭魚佐荸薺。食評:Red wine with fish...Well that should have told me something.
薩伯紳士本日推薦的晚餐是 紅燒螃蟹佐麵包與海膽。食評:It is as bad as bad can be: it is ill-fed, ill-killed, ill-kept, and ill-drest.
薩伯紳士本日推薦的午餐是 醃大鱉蛋佐火腿。食評:To eat, or not to eat: that is the question.
薩伯紳士本日推薦的晚餐是 焗烤鴨肉佐蘑菇。食評:Expectation is the root of all stomachache.
薩伯紳士本日推薦的午餐是 爌山芋佐芥末醬。食評:Just a drink, a Martini, shaken not stirred.