40Friends 23Fans
female Chicago, IL, United States
Teacher, Tech Specialist, Proud Mom, Fantastic Friend, Overall ok-kinda-gal!
15 years ago 9
any resources for tech-related comics or cartoons - like the funnies from the paper? Need to be "clean" - want to use in class.
15 years ago 3
thinking about all who have started back to school. hope all went well! i am pretty happy with the new job! first day w/kids tomorrow
15 years ago 1
Testing out the plurk/twitter option. I do not want to leave important friends hangin' you know!
15 years ago 6
son tried out for a travel baseball team. went to the parent meeting. WOW intense. aside from the commitment level...the $$$ is an issue..
15 years ago 11
got new macbook pro. mouse is driving me nuts . also why doesnt my firewire fit? says firewire bus? whats that?
15 years ago 1
Off to drive son to Carthage College for a three and a half day volleyball camp. He'll get a taste of "dorm life"....
tracymurdach asks
15 years ago 4
what student blogging services do you use? looking for 5th/6th graders. Thanks!
15 years ago 29
all my middle school 5th/6th grade tech teachers, faicilitators...ideas to share? getting nervous over here....
15 years ago 4
I guess i need to realize i am NOT good with this whole Karma thing. I enjoy reading, keeping up, and sharing but not enough I guess....:-(
15 years ago
Smallville on thursday is all about possessed toys. Guess what I WILL NOT be watching...that idea freaks me out! (woot)