1Friends 1Fans
female Newmarket, Ontario, Canada
turtle, Swiftie, Canadian, loves photography, cheesecake, and potatoes.
turtle_heart thinks
4 years ago
if she wasn't going for short walks she'd go bonkers... srsly.
turtle_heart feels
4 years ago
like playing Gems of War, or a story game... y'know? Mobile games... will be on plurk... of course... #depressionsucks
turtle_heart says
4 years ago
Alterz Trudeau is better. Come to the snowy side. :-P :-o
turtle_heart wonders
4 years ago
about the weather forecast for the next few days... looks https://images.plurk.com/7Dwx1rdoRtWRPKqyl0Ks8m.png Dear God, more rain! And 20c?! I gotta send this to my sister Julz!!
turtle_heart is
4 years ago
having fscking cheesecake! :-D
turtle_heart writes
4 years ago
that she is feeling a little bittersweet...
turtle_heart plays
4 years ago
the Sims 3 and hasn't really done that in like...? Well since 2010. I play the Sims 2 and 4 more....
4 years ago
[pokemon] I want a 3DS, to play my #pokemon games. is dying J/k... I can get some eShop cards later and a new microSD card and get Shield and LGE and yes, maybe a 3DS.
turtle_heart feels
4 years ago
grateful for forever friends