1Friends 1Fans
female Newmarket, Ontario, Canada
turtle, Swiftie, Canadian, loves photography, cheesecake, and potatoes.
turtle_heart says
4 years ago
kik messenger: turtleheart99
turtle_heart says
4 years ago
anyone have any good mobile game ideas I can try out? :-)
turtle_heart says
4 years ago
new layout y'all...
turtle_heart says
4 years ago
Morning plurkers... 'sup?
turtle_heart feels
4 years ago
like she slept like Rip van Winkle. LOL Morning plurkers... I know it's 11:30a but still...
turtle_heart needs
4 years ago
sleep.. Nighty night plurkers! <3
4 years ago
prefers: Fathers Day... I <3 you Daddy!
turtle_heart hates
4 years ago
stupid days like today...
turtle_heart wonders
4 years ago
if she can pound the shit out of the woman who gave birth to her. (I am NOT close to my mother AT all.)