警察/警衛 Karma: 0.00
not stating / other
- Taichung, Taiwan
【ATCR】黑痞 Karma: 76.51
not stating / other
- Taichung, Taiwan
志明 Karma: 11.26
not stating / other
- main, the Merchants State
工作/劇本密 Karma: 117.72
not stating / other
- Taichung, Taiwan
店員/商人 Karma: 0.00
not stating / other
- district unknown, The Merchants State
斯載琛 [主區域,0] Karma: 51.85
not stating / other
- Taichung, Taiwan
商人無祖國【官方】 Karma: 1.44
not stating / other
- district unknown, The Merchants State