Muscle relaxant then likker, never sicker. Likker then muscle relaxant ... ???
Dear Trader Joe's Kettle Corn Cookies, I've said this before, and I'll say it again. I think I luuuuuuv you. Love, Me.
What could be more patriotic than a Gin and Tonic? Nothing. That's what! (and I've been laying off the pain medz all day so I can have one)
Will a muscle relaxant dissolve in a martini? Stay tuned for the exciting result! #workingfromhome
Do you know what the most awesome thing in the world is when you haven't had electricity for 3 days (and counting)? Ice.
Horizontal. It's the way to be.
Going to work (they have a/c & internetz!). Who knew putting on underwear could be so difficult? #owmyback
Bad back. No power. Credit card number stolen. ENOUGH ALREADY!!!
Day 427: No power. Back still ouch. Phone battery at 14%. Hot. Tired. Want ice cubes. If I don't get out of this alive, tell my family ...
Still no power. Worst week EVER? I think so.