CAL's Wendy
10Friends 9Fans
female Taoyüan, Taiwan
Specializing in Cosmetology, Nutrition, Economics, English communication and skin care. Wanna be a manager in customer service in five years. Therefore, I often remind myself to smile in public. Besides, it is a therapy that can cure the diseases and
CAL's Wendy shares
9 years ago
[好康分享]想跟Jeremy Lin近距離接觸嗎?同時又可做公益,幫助喜憨兒的機會~7/2(四)@ TPE 華航員工可攜伴1名。意者歡迎洽詢。截止時間6/26
CAL's Wendy feels
9 years ago
CAL's Wendy feels
9 years ago
每天chk loading,心臟要很夠力…
CAL's Wendy shares
9 years ago 1
你的笑容是我努力的原動力。認真規劃旅程… B-)
CAL's Wendy
9 years ago
I'm not ur mommy or nanny. Those who r impolite will serve their right. Bless u. Farewell.
CAL's Wendy feels
9 years ago 5
天冷好想睡…(但是將心比心,又不好意思造成郵局人員困擾…)只能說心情很鳥!這時又遇到無理旅客,回敬無限白眼! (angry)(好想請生理假,又考慮到荷包和家人…)
CAL's Wendy feels
9 years ago 2
CAL's Wendy hopes
9 years ago 4
CAL's Wendy shares
9 years ago 11
CAL's Wendy feels
9 years ago 5
未出發就貪心的規劃下個旅程 :-D