22Friends 8Fans
female Bandung, Indonesia
i'm just a human being which is far away from perfect . just the ordinary girl .. yeah it's me, dwi :-)
Whiecii says
12 years ago
seldom to open this account :-))
Whiecii says
12 years ago
es duren siang-siang gini mantep deh ( •̴̴͡ .̮ •̴̴͡)
Whiecii says
13 years ago
#DearCowok, hargailah seorang wanita seperti kamu menghargai ibumu..
Whiecii says
13 years ago
yeeesss now I wanna shout out loud It's LONG WEEKEND. finally I could spend leisure quitely. happy long weekend all :-D
Whiecii says
13 years ago
Hanya karena Tuhan belum menjawab doamu, bukan berarti Dia tak akan menjawabnya. Tuhan tahu waktu yg tepat untuk menjawab doamu. #pepatah
Whiecii says
13 years ago
rain, come again another day please...
Whiecii says
13 years ago
rasanya ingin cepet-cepet kuliah aja, tapi klo udah kuliah rasanya ingin cepet-cepet libur aja . ehehehe
Whiecii says
13 years ago
bisa mengenal & bertemu kmu adalah salah satu hal terbaik dalam hidup saya. pleased to know you, thanks God for that..
Whiecii says
13 years ago
ada film Laskar Pelangi lgi neh di tipi , hehe teringat akan sesuatu ;-)
Whiecii feels
13 years ago 3
ooh i miss you so bad \m/ :'-(