Rae Lexenstar
10Friends 102Fans
female Woodland, CA, United States
Hi there! I'm Rae Lexenstar in SL, creator of nothing, blogger of nothing, and crappy photographer...but I'm pretty rad anyway :-D
She Wants Revenge - Tear You Apart
Rae Lexenstar
12 years ago
Kinda miss SL. RL is uber busy..moving, fasting and getting ready for next semester is keeping me away. Miss you, my friends. <3
Rae Lexenstar says
13 years ago
Got a new house in SL yesterday....I haz teh happy.
Rae Lexenstar says
13 years ago
Watching the lunar eclipse
Rae Lexenstar says
13 years ago 1
Just adopted a 9 week old puppy from the pound yesterday...She's so good! Slept through the night, didn't go potty in the house, and
Rae Lexenstar says
13 years ago
4am work after being at TSO til midnight? Blargle
Rae Lexenstar says
13 years ago
Holy balls its cold. Memo to self: wear gloves when feeding horses before 5am
Rae Lexenstar says
13 years ago
Discharged this morning...about damn time too! I have class today!
Rae Lexenstar says
13 years ago 2
Just had a customer refuse to let me help them, because of my obviously German name.....ooookay then
Rae Lexenstar says
13 years ago
Human variations test, then out to the ranch to paint, so I can move in this weekend ^^
Rae Lexenstar says
13 years ago 1
It's official...moving out to the country in two weeks! Horses, goats, and land, hurrah!