1Friends 4Fans
female definitely, state of shock, United States
i'm a little teapot, short and stout.

wrekehavoc feels
15 years ago
wrekehavoc hates
16 years ago
wrekehavoc was
16 years ago
annoyed by people at disneyworld.
wrekehavoc was
16 years ago
not terribly motivated or inspired by this election until palin entered the picture. now, she's firmly in the obama camp.
wrekehavoc hates
16 years ago
when women use all those stereotypical qualities we've been fighting against for years to move themselves forward. like skanky sarah palin.
wrekehavoc has
16 years ago
a friend who looks like palin. but that's where the similarity ends. thank Dog.
wrekehavoc asks
16 years ago
whether anyone noticed the wash post report on how palin was reimbursed - for living at home?
wrekehavoc asks
16 years ago
whether the mccain campaign is simply pandering by nominating sarah palin. do they think we simply vote based on gender?
wrekehavoc wonders
16 years ago
whether the american public is taking the time to think about what their candidates actually stand for.
wrekehavoc thinks
16 years ago
the american public is being misled by the mccain/palin camp.