0Friends 1Fans
male Chicago, IL, United States
xgolferx shares
15 years ago
Just playing with Plurk image snap shot feature -> https://images.plurk.com/3422044_25f18bd1670ea96459195975137f9a72.jpg
xgolferx needs
15 years ago
Congrats to Plurk on Microsoft apology
xgolferx needs
15 years ago
xgolferx is
15 years ago
Would love to hear Joyent's thoughts about Oracle\Sun item from last month
xgolferx is
15 years ago
sorry to have neglected my old buddy Plurk LOL
xgolferx is
15 years ago
xgolferx hates
15 years ago
that people think MS pushed the tech sector to where it is today - Really, come on just read about some of their business practices
xgolferx wonders
15 years ago
Where MS will be in 5 or 10 years & if they will still be practicing business the MS way
xgolferx likes
15 years ago
Apple but wishes they were more open
xgolferx loves
15 years ago
Ubuntu - but wishes he could run some Adobe stuff without a VM (Dreamweaver\Flash\Flex\Fireworks)