Dr. Yubsie
258Friends 44Fans
female ON, Canada
Folkmore: Hera Syndulla
Dr. Yubsie
2 months ago 8
https://images.plurk.com/1QUZYAWFO4iepeZ5z6VAoJ.jpg when you double a recipe there are certain factors to consider...
Dr. Yubsie
2 months ago 7
I'm not sure my employer considered the implications of one of the options for my 5 year anniversary gift being a blood pressure monitor
Dr. Yubsie
2 months ago 6
What makes a character Yubsie bait?
Dr. Yubsie
2 months ago 8
Squall was not prepared for the bath commentary. "That ball floats because it's light. The other one sinks because it's heavy. Yeah, that's your penis."
Dr. Yubsie
2 months ago 10
The scammers are behind the times. This call from "Amazon customer service" claims I have an order for an iPhone 13
Dr. Yubsie
2 months ago 26
Hey plurk? How many of your problems have you solved a by biting your mother?
Dr. Yubsie
2 months ago 11
https://images.plurk.com/cFjJPWG4SSXeXpYeg18Bk.png when the bus company says "you'll get there faster if you walk, actually" and it's not super close
Dr. Yubsie
2 months ago 7
Me: Okay, so how does this big change impact this other process?
Boss: [Detailed explanation of how it affects the process it would LOGICALLY impact that sounds like it's under control]
Me: Okay, you're about to be horrified because... that wasn't what I was asking about
Dr. Yubsie
2 months ago 2
I'm back to work today but I don't have a laptop so I'm going through the website and making notes
Dr. Yubsie
3 months ago 25
https://images.plurk.com/6YCwnViuc80gT8DHt1E4ZF.png In my defense, I was left unsupervised