17Friends 26Fans
female Malaysia
a lil' bit shy, big klutz & perfectionist :-)
fongyun says
12 years ago
What do i hate the most? Those account executives who rush me to do my work cos they wanna go home! Like I dun want to go home like that!
fongyun says
12 years ago
Decided to throw resign letter by this month. 2 months notice lor. So annoying.
fongyun says
12 years ago
Headache from staring too long at the computer. I hate logo always. Boo.
fongyun says
12 years ago
Anti-inflammatory lozenges does work! Now my throat feels so much better already!
fongyun says
12 years ago 2
Received a total of RM128 from the angpaos yesterday. Weee!
fongyun says
12 years ago
I think i am coming down with throat infection...
fongyun says
12 years ago
Please don't fall sick, please don't fall sick. Let me enjoy my one day holiday 2morrow.
fongyun says
12 years ago
I'm back! (headspin)
fongyun says
13 years ago
I wanna splurge so badly.
fongyun says
13 years ago 1
July is going to end, hoping August will be a better month.