8Friends 9Fans
female Norwich, CT, United States
Web Designer: www.kidoimages.com
List mom to a mailing list of web designers, and listens to classical music. Loud.
15 years ago
took air conditioner out of window in office. put fan in for air. no need to cool things anymore
15 years ago
RT jillwhalen: stop asking "is this good for SEO?" and start asking "is this good for my users?" AMEN!
15 years ago
it is one of those incredibly gorgeous days in southeast CT. yeah, one of THOSE days. I am taking laptop and headed outside. barefoot.
15 years ago
oh god, you know it is going to be bad when you can hear your dog's fart behind your desk chair. GASP!
15 years ago
RT brabideau: Help us judge three short videos in our Lights, Camera, Action! challenge: bit.ly/h1video
15 years ago
here comes Danny boy bit.ly/BOXYe
15 years ago
prepping to go to parents for a few days. brother's dog too much for them to handle. WTF was he thinking?
zenfishing thinks
15 years ago
plurk is strange. hard interface, and just not ummm something
15 years ago
RT davisphinney: April is Parkinson's Awareness month. Don't forget the Unity Walk (www.unitywalk.org) in NYC coming up.
15 years ago
RT unmarketing: Do not follow with the expectation of the person following back. It's not an obligation, it's not courtesy, it's a choice