22Friends 48Fans
female San Francisco, CA, United States
I'm owned by a big dog...

zyrcster says
15 years ago 1
u-verse is the bane of my existence.
zyrcster says
15 years ago
dear execs, if you have to remind my ass daily to donate, that's not exactly making me feel charitable.
zyrcster shares
15 years ago
zyrcster says
15 years ago 2
all I can think of here is "I got blisters on me fingers" www.flickr.com/help/foru...
zyrcster says
15 years ago 2
my mantra of the day is 'be nice': my snark is showing.
zyrcster shares
15 years ago 4
zyrcster shares
15 years ago 13
Verizon Misfit Toys I love my iPhone but this is hilarious (and true)
zyrcster says
15 years ago 1
must go on walk. leave house. do something for a few hours that does not involve a computer!
zyrcster says
15 years ago 8
unbelievably, a spammer sent me Flickrmail. HELLO.