22Friends 48Fans
female San Francisco, CA, United States
I'm owned by a big dog...

zyrcster says
15 years ago 27
the wave is too much work. Why does it load the most recent unread comment in a wave when you open that wave?
zyrcster wonders
15 years ago
why my friendfeed never picks up facebook updates anymore. it's authed.
zyrcster says
15 years ago 5
oh man, I think I really am getting sick. :-(
zyrcster says
15 years ago 6
donning thick skin now.
zyrcster says
15 years ago 6
the day - it is getting better. :-)
zyrcster says
15 years ago
I *really* dislike communication channels that don't work.
zyrcster says
15 years ago 61
the higher the level of hyperbole, the less inclined I am to care. That's a general preference.
zyrcster thinks
15 years ago
about getting out for a bit today but is uninspired.
zyrcster thinks
15 years ago
about doing a few print comparisons.
zyrcster says
15 years ago 4
it's pretty clear to me that I need to not have an online presence. Fuck this shit.