2 years ago
Tomorrow, I have to be at the hospital at 9 am for my skin removal/tummy tuck surgery. To say I am nervous is an understatement. I am not allowed to eat or drink after 8 pm, so I just chugged a water lol I REALLY hope I can sleep. (goodluck)
latest #8
2 years ago
Cross fingers and good luck !!
2 years ago
Gidge: Thank you darlin'! <3
Estella Magic
2 years ago
Good luck!! Hope your recovery goes smoothly! Must feel exciting!
Good luck!
Tuna Skunk
2 years ago
Good luck!
2 years ago
Good vibes being sent your way!!!
2 years ago
Thank you everyone!! I am doing well after surgery, should be released tomorrow sometime.
Glad to hear!
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