Thought Plurk had died but it works fine on ipv6. Must be a misconfigured firewall somewhere
Every day I am doing something besides the thing I was meant to be doing. Why can't new things just be pushed onto the end?
I have discovered an instance of irony in the song: "As the plane crashed down he thought, 'Well isn't this nice?'". His thought was irony.
Honestly, you leave the internet for 4 days and all sorts of things happen.
Websites forgetting my login are the principal reason people don't get upvotes when they should.
The Daily Mail is like the opposite of a porn mag - it's shameful to admit you buy it for the articles.
I am so frelling sick of that cat. It's like living with kids, except you can't explain to them why they're being punished.
I wonder where and from whom I can get a statement that ceramics are particularly vulnerable to thermal shock, so I can show it to the agent
We have had our application for the new house approved, which means we don't care what the current agency think of us any more. Bring it.