3Friends 0Fans
Madison, WI, United States
Disneyfan19 wants
6 years ago
Something to do.
Disneyfan19 says
6 years ago
Well, I could (apparently) fund 16 bed nets and extend someone’s life by about a year. Trouble is, I have no way of actually giving that money to charity rn, & I also have expenses of my own to cover! How Rich Am I?
Disneyfan19 wonders
6 years ago
Who the heck steals from babies!?
Disneyfan19 is
6 years ago
Dissapointed in my chocolate-melting skills.
Disneyfan19 wonders
6 years ago
About the appropriate amount of time for melting chocolate in the microwave. 2 minutes 30 seconds just burns it.
Disneyfan19 thinks
6 years ago
The rumors about Chuck E. Cheese and Helen Henny have some merit.
Disneyfan19 feels
6 years ago
Hot and sweaty. Oh, and my acne is causing pain in my face. But I did enjoy all the good TV I got to watch today!
Disneyfan19 wonders
6 years ago
Why are they playing Beyblade on Disney XD now? It’s not really their thing, right?
Disneyfan19 hopes
6 years ago
Trump slips on an ice cube.
6 years ago
Couch, loveseat, shelf, piano, piano bench...just thinking up good places to hide the remotes so I can watch Disney XD all day!