Onyx Pu-239
135Friends 53Fans
male Caledon Oxbridge Village, Second life
Feline Gentle-demon at Large, Keeper Of Obscure Knowledge, Designated Official Noetic Theorist, Professional Artificer of Noospheric Interface Constructs, Sometime Writer, Storyteller, Guru
Onyx Pu-239
1 years ago 10
[Warning: This post contains poop talk, whining and self pity]
Constipation sucks, the cure sucks worse.
Onyx Pu-239
1 years ago 3
Hooray! I can breathe freely again!

I had my septum straightened a couple weeks ago and just got the splints taken out of my nose.
Onyx Pu-239
1 years ago 4
Woohoo! (dance_bzz)
Firewood delivery day!
Onyx Pu-239
1 years ago 3
This big ol' spider has decided to set up shop off the corner of our deck.
https://images.plurk.com/2vBkWGrLkqasA8yJbbOPcE.jpg https://images.plurk.com/7Gh0KA1TVlAH8kWqmCgNVD.jpg https://images.plurk.com/5tQshXPFb5iIu8saXZrXXX.jpg https://images.plurk.com/3uCARrwPPNzWInIliq1GqE.jpg https://images.plurk.com/6Di1Ry9cZyuRguXDTHZi4D.jpg
Onyx Pu-239
1 years ago 3
communications with the world have been restored.
Onyx Pu-239
1 years ago 4
we are experiencing a complete loss of internet at the Tiger den.
Onyx Pu-239
1 years ago 4
I need to vent for a moment.
I'm watching the season 2 finale of Strange New Worlds and, once again, the Captain and most of the senior officers are going down to the planet under extremely hazardous conditions.
For crying out loud, don't they have a commando unit or something? A dedicated expedition team at least?
Onyx Pu-239
1 years ago 2
I have a confession to make. I am not much of a fan of fireworks.
Onyx Pu-239
1 years ago 5
the dog's second favorite thing to do in the summer. https://images.plurk.com/5bsjqmfHoJ8voNr8mEuA66.jpg https://images.plurk.com/6p6SswGg9PhhzudaxmW5iT.jpg https://images.plurk.com/5vACWPlfMtSGCuJ4RAS6X6.jpg
Onyx Pu-239
1 years ago
a turtle wandered up from the creek behind the house. https://images.plurk.com/1oqrbpNP2hOICToiX1bmuW.jpg