Still shopping for a new place to live. Also, working beaucoup over-time, packing what I can, and going through things to see what I am willing to get rid of. Also finishing projects, and logic problems. LOL
Over the last week I have gone through 6 of the 9 bookcases that are in the library/Roswolf's room (she was off visiting family), ran 6 or 7 loads of things to the storage locker, and donated 27 grocery sacks full of books to the local library. And have gone up and down the stairs 25 times in the last four days. My back, it is sore.
Okay, that was a revelation! You know when you are close to an Eeyore and you are telling yourself you are fine, because you seem like Pooh, which is just fine, but in reality you are supposed to be Tigger and then your doctor puts you on a new med that includes an anti-depressant and suddenly you remember you are T-I-Double-Ger?
Glorfindel has posted his Winterfaire gifts, though a couple of them I am waiting to hear back on, but hopefully :slight_smile: voidtreckerooc | Winter Faire Gifting!