Ben Hazzard
137Friends 103Fans
male Wallaceburg, ON, Canada
learning, community, collaboration

hockey, wakeboarding, life in my village
Ben Hazzard
16 years ago 10
here we go... Canadian election called today. Very different than our North American neighbours. 6 weeks instead of 1.5 yrs.
Ben Hazzard
16 years ago
anyone want to play hockey... have organized the rec league for another year...
Ben Hazzard
16 years ago 6
Trying to move my iTunes library to another disk... should I let iTunes keep my library organized? Is this the problem?
Ben Hazzard
16 years ago 4
I fully endorse Western Digital's My Book Studio external hard drives. They have failed, but their warranty service is AMAZING!
Ben Hazzard
16 years ago 1
Back from morning run... just not the same without the encouragement of blong
Ben Hazzard
16 years ago 11
watches Blue Clues... Seriously is it bad when you can't figure out the clues?
Ben Hazzard
16 years ago 11
roasted some hotdogs over a fire tonight...
Ben Hazzard
16 years ago 17
using google chrome... the new browser... so far it seems fast and hasn't broken any sites.
Ben Hazzard
16 years ago 5
cheers for blong in our running challenge we each ran 140km in the last 30 days!
Ben Hazzard
16 years ago 9
bought a visor at the Michigan football game... does this make me a dweeb? (The visor, not the Michigan fandom)