After reading facebook and twitter this week, I agree with Prof Farnsworth...I don't want to live on this planet anymore. #immovingtomars
Pandora played Fortunate Son while I was on the mower earlier. Suddenly felt like I was in the open credits of a 70s movie.
Farewell my voice, you served me well...most of the time. I welcome your return. Glad I am not recording the podcast this weekend.
Mild concussion on Mon, Engulfed in flames on Wed, now James has pneumonia. Dear Friday: MESS WITH ME, I DARE YOU #comegetsome
RIP Donna Summer. Sad day.
Word of my fireball incident is spreading like, well, wildfire. I am rapidly becoming a rock star with the 5th graders. #spinaltapinreallife
Hot projector bulb + canned air = fireball and loss of facial and body hair. Its science, kids! #themoreyouknow #theyletmeteachchildren
Few truly appreciate the subtle art of passive aggression. Just because I'm smiling, doesn't mean I'm happy. #justfollowingorders
Thanks for all the weightloss compliments. I've worked very hard & its very inspiring when so many people notice. #fatfreeapocalypse
Pulled my back last night and still have a nagging cough (going on two weeks). Can't do my big workouts, but treadmill seemed to work.