1Friends 0Fans
female Grosse Pointe, MI, United States
dancer, supernanny, paranoid psychopath, lifesaver mint addict, bad liar, juggles like no on else... haha (told you I was a bad liar), enjoys dumb blonde jokes and crossword puzzles, fan of JabbawocKeeZ, a bit obsessed with Travis Wall...
cupcake12 says
16 years ago
demi lovato sucks :-P
cupcake12 feels
16 years ago
sleep deprived
cupcake12 is
16 years ago
strangely excited for back 2 school...
cupcake12 wishes
16 years ago
she wasn't so BORED!!!!
cupcake12 asks
16 years ago
where is Lise?
cupcake12 has
16 years ago
a ticket to the so you think you can dance tour! yay October 25!
cupcake12 is
16 years ago
in freaking LOVE with Travis Wall :-P
16 years ago
hopes my bestie, Lise, doesn't die on the plane ride to London. Though I would like her Uglydolls... (s_LOL)
cupcake12 says
16 years ago 1
everything is alright (Motion City Soundtrack) (s_music)
cupcake12 wishes
16 years ago
she were more flexible.