0Friends 3Fans
male Wayne, NJ, United States
14 years ago
check out ping.fm/kLHry I will be speaking at the event in Feb. We will be tweeting valuable social media info from Turkey.
14 years ago
Tonight's Webinar was huge!!! will post where you can get a copy if you missed it.
14 years ago
"You may have a fresh start any moment you choose, for this thing that we call 'failure' is not the falling down, but the staying down."
14 years ago
I am going to be posting exclusive videos on my You Tube Channel soon, subscribe @ bit.ly/7aMfgb
14 years ago
Jan Mastermind registration open to my Social network b4 emailing my 30k list, please register now only 20 spots open bit.ly/8drm2R
14 years ago
January Mastermind registration open to my Social network before 30k list, please register only 50 spots bit.ly/8drm2R
14 years ago
Men are all alike in their promises. It is only in their deeds that they differ. ~John Baptiste Moliére
14 years ago
The world seems a lot smaller, and people seem a lot nicer all thanks to social media Dsteel
15 years ago
Let no one ever come to you without leaving better and happier.~Mother Teresa
15 years ago
Just helped launch a new product Healthy Christian Mind..check it out at cli.gs/0jW1d