15Friends 14Fans
female Brooklyn, NY, United States
Solo-preneur in progress
I love: Tai Chi, photography, videography, writing, studying Ohashiatsu, learning new things, generating new hobbies, striving to become a better person every single day
ElizabethC says
16 years ago 2
I'm outta here for a week at Zendo - have a great week, all! :-)
ElizabethC says
16 years ago
Good morning, all, and read you later - heading out now! (s_bye)
ElizabethC is
16 years ago 1
overpacking. Again. <sigh>
ElizabethC gives
16 years ago
AnnieSiegel a warm, plurky welcome! Say hi to Annie, all :-) She's an incredible EFT practitioner
ElizabethC is
16 years ago 2
cleaning the bathroom... FUN!
ElizabethC is
16 years ago 20
trying to use her neti pot without panicking
ElizabethC asks
16 years ago 10
Myrnaslist, is the neti pot ok to use if you have a cold?
16 years ago 2
had a great colonic yesterday! any colonic fans here?
ElizabethC is
16 years ago 1
working from the office today. Happy Monday, all! Read your plurks when I get home tonight :-)
16 years ago 6
can't wait for her week-long retreat that starts next Saturday at Dai Bosatsu Zendo