1Friends 2Fans
male Tulsa, OK, United States
fitelix says
14 years ago
Will you adopt the new heart rate formula for women, or is it too late to learn new tricks? ow.ly/28OFn
fitelix says
14 years ago
Cleveland – Overload Fitness facilities use science to get you fit in 30 minutes or less: ow.ly/21uoY
fitelix says
14 years ago
Cleveland – Family-owned Yoga and Dance Studio has everything but egos: ow.ly/1ZqeU
fitelix says
14 years ago
Local Kids Fitness Guru Sets Guinness Book Record: ow.ly/1Xv9m
fitelix says
14 years ago
Cleveland Fitness Network: ping.fm/UeKiG
fitelix says
14 years ago
Study finds Yoga to be more effective than conventional exercise for low back pain: ow.ly/1VRln
fitelix says
14 years ago
New fitness studio attracts clients with personal needs: ow.ly/1SGTs
fitelix says
14 years ago
Athletic endurance may be inherited, suggests new research. A particular gene makes a difference in running performance: ow.ly/19fPg
fitelix says
14 years ago
Workout Mix: A song’s tempo should be btwn 120-140 BPM, suggests Costas Karageorgh, professor of sport psychology: ow.ly/18UUA
fitelix says
14 years ago
music + exercise = results, suggests Costas Karageorghis, professor of sport psychology: ow.ly/18ULj