70Friends 5Fans
female Los Angeles, CA, United States
Call me Pip!
I have covid.
My entire family has covid. including my niece, who’s only four months old... so far mom and I seem okay, but with my stepdad positive it seems like only a matter of time. it’s hard to tell! this is fine.
[RL] am home.
[RL] I live... probably... hello friends. Thank you all so much for your well wishes for my surgery. 💜 It went well! My hospital stay, on the other hand...
Heading to the hospital right now. Wish me luck, everyone!!!
[RL] HEY GANG!!! WHOEVER STILL FOLLOWS THIS DEAD ASS PLURK!!! WHATS UP!! I HAVE!! NEWS, I GUESS!!!! The, uh, my surgery. It’s happening tomorrow.
hello it’s me pip if you couldn’t tell this is all I’m gonna care about until SSHD releases even though DDLC+ is technically out
I finally watched the sonic symphony and I’m just laying here in a puddle of my own tears I can’t believe how much that fucking ruled
Doki Doki Literature Club Plus - Official Exclusive ... KICKS DOWN THE DOOR SCREAMING MY DAUGHTER!!!!!!!!!!!!