31Friends 34Fans
male Plymouth, NH, United States
macjedimatt says
13 years ago
Why does my car insurance company mail me a letter to tell me I am enrolled in the paperless program!?
macjedimatt is
13 years ago 3
gonna go look at this some time this weekend: herbchambers.com/Vehicle...
macjedimatt says
13 years ago 1
Today is a two-coffee day (:
macjedimatt asks
13 years ago 31
Which car should I get? Subaru Impreza, Ford Escape, Ford Fusion, Mercury Grand Marquis? Others??
macjedimatt asks
13 years ago
I wonder how many more times Outlook will crash on me today.. we're at 2 so far.
macjedimatt needs
13 years ago 3
a new bed (:
macjedimatt is
13 years ago 2
gonna head up to Plymouth tomorrow for a visit!
macjedimatt wonders
13 years ago
if clearing the 40+ entries from plymouth out of my computer's .ssh/known_hosts file signifies anything...
macjedimatt says
13 years ago 4
macjedimatt says
13 years ago 2
walmart needs this: lifehacker.com/5857503/a...