4Friends 0Fans
female Longmont, CO, United States
magspups is
14 years ago 2
Jareth: This mun of mine has locked me in my owl-form, has had me thrown out a window and nearly smacked with a broom. I am displeased.
magspups is
14 years ago 27
Remy: So, ever charmin' Sarah-mun, how do you propose I be sweet talked onto de goody-goody side?
magspups is
14 years ago 20
booooored, so, what would your pup's t-shirt say?
magspups is
14 years ago
Iceman: *snerks*
magspups shares
14 years ago 2
magspups shares
15 years ago 7
magspups is
15 years ago 6
Jareth, Goblin King: Who needs to be thrown into the Bog for this outrage?
magspups is
15 years ago 19
Remy: Where is de Hallown party gonna be dis year? Just what kind of fracas will dere be? Et who wit' de camera needs to be paid off?