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United Kingdom
31. Bookworm & tea enthusiast (they/them)
Wen Ning is best boy
1 years ago 1
I really don't need any more Sailor Moon merch & I absolutely can't afford it either but that doesn't mean I don't desperately want the new Eternal Tiare proplica with my entire heart & soul 😭
1 years ago 9
My best friend is great. I just had my weekly call with her & was like "I have been thinking about Wen Ning again & she was just like "as you should" & we had yet another very good discussion about him (also featuring JC & the golden core) & I am very happy I have my best friend in my life.
1 years ago 2
Still thinking about Wen Ning, as always.
Friendship & debt & body autonomy. Lives tied together in love & friendship but also because they have no choice. Fascinating. I love him so much.
1 years ago 1
I feel like finding people on here is going to be difficult so I guess I'm just searching twt usernames of people I follow until I find some people!