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5 months ago 47 @Edit 5 months ago
[COMMISSIONS] so for the second time in three months, I find myself at the emergency vet. I should be able to afford this in the moment but not so much the bills coming up at the beginning of the month. DETAILS WITHIN
(thing i forgot, each additional character is +half base price)
ETA: less of an emergency than previously thought! Commissions still open
1 months ago 8
for some reason, three people in my department we're allowed to take a vacation days today. My department has 5 people in it so only two of us are here today LMAO?????
1 months ago 2
[Work adjacent] work has been absolute madness the past couple days with my help off on vacation, and its left me with like zero energy after work lmao. I just woke up from a random 3 hour couch nap and i can't usually sleep on my couch at all
1 months ago 7 @Edit 1 months ago
looks like new-new girl isn't coming back either lmao
1 months ago 9
today was supposed to be the new-new girl's second day, but she conveniently had a vague family emergency pop up after complaining all day yesterday that we were bringing her in for second shift and not first like she wanted
1 months ago 6
so the person I was training a couple weeks ago just fucked off out of the blue, I was supposed to start training someone new monday but she was apparently having "phone problems", whatever that means. She's here today though so we'll see what happens.
1 months ago 8
the girl I was training for second shift stopped showing up, whoever was supposed to replace her just isn't here, my assistant just said he'll be gone next week, Stank has hiccups and its setting off my misophonia something crazy, and I got maybe an hour and a half of sleep last night due to cramps. LET'S GO MONDAY
2 months ago 15
IT just sent out an email warning about a harmful email going around disguised as a QR code for the employee handbook. This is all well and good, except she started the email all " hey theres an email circulating about the updated employee handbook, it wants you too log in with a QR code"
2 months ago 6
well I WAS going to scrumble together a top level but it seems I haven't fully dug my brain out of the nice writer's block pit that I've been in HOW FABULOUS (it's not). Think I'm gonna stick to tag outs this time around until my brain decides to cooperate, anyone have anything they'd like a freaky blue hedgehog to tag into?
2 months ago 9
Slowly getting back into the swing of things lol. what if Sonic's reflection is the werehog
2 months ago 15
so the manager that everybody likes and took time to learn how everyone's job works so he could do as much as he could to help us out and basically just busted his ass for the employees just got shitcanned. We don't have the whole story but the rumormill says he was stealing shit