112Friends 92Fans
male Kansas City, KS, United States
Tech guy that dabbles in writing and beekeeping. Occasionally escapes to the outside world for hiking, canoeing, or some live music.

System Specialist at University of Kansas

Known as Tully McLeod in Second Life
Nethound shares
11 years ago 2
Nethound says
11 years ago 5
Just ordered a BeagleBone Black. Figure maybe it will inspire me to actually get to work on the retro radio media player I've been planning to build.
Nethound says
11 years ago 7
This writing business would be so much easier if my characters WOULD JUST DO WHAT THE HELL THEY ARE TOLD......
Nethound shares
11 years ago
Dog rescued after falling in manhole. A happy ending once in a while is nice.
Nethound is
11 years ago
Feeling a bit like the honey badger right now
Nethound asks
11 years ago 17
Anyone have any experiences with alternatives to SL? OSGrid, InWorldz, Kitely, etc? I'm considering making the change, though I hate to leave the SL community. It just seems too expensive to do much.
Nethound shares
11 years ago 4
Nethound shares
11 years ago I like this commercial just for the bike at the end.
Nethound shares
11 years ago 5
Balis Best Coffee Candy, I'm in love.