(Lovikins) if his brother would give him some advice? Uhm. Romantic advice.
really, really guilty, and needs to find Gilbert... where is he again?
[Ludwig~] is trying (and failing) to break into a certain German's house, complete with squirming puppies. He thought watching some of his _
(Wy) needs that puppy right right now!
run out of canvas. Well. It looks like it's time to cry himself to sleep, take a shower when he wakes up, and act like it never happened!
(Lovikins~) was a bit worried about his present for his fratello. Usually he tried to go all out for Epiphany, but the big hurrah of this _
[ME (late, augh)] has really, really got to start paying attention to things. Or maybe he should just pay attention to other cultures _
(Gil?)hereby and officially drowning in cloth. Wow. This seemed a lot easier then it really is... Maybe if he had someone to make it on...
been working with wire and keeps stabbing himself! Ow!
(so. Uhm. Yes. Hiatus for Gilly and I. Through the eleventh. Computer difficulties + visitors for the holidays)