8Friends 1Fans
female Glen Ellyn, IL, United States
Morphetamine, player of Saul, mostly. From BtR.
13 years ago 68
My elderly neighbor went for a drive at 4pm and apparently he hasn't come back. Nobody knows where he is. The police are at his house.
13 years ago
So instead of doing anything important, I am writing a very long essay to a David player about how awesome their David is.
13 years ago 26
I have to build a mini set and shoot a movie this weekend. It's 11pm. If I'm productive, there might be tags instead. Or hair dying. :/
princerat shares
13 years ago 2
EMILIE AUTUMN AND DETHKLOK TOGETHER ARE YOU KIDDING ME Emilie Autumn - Liar (Murder Mix By Brendon Small)Emilie Autumn - Liar (Murder Mix By Brendon Small) How did I not know this existed? THE HELL. SO BRUTAL.
13 years ago 22
Animorphs 21- The Threat (series-wide spoilers, re-read)
13 years ago
I need to pick a brand/product to make a logo transition for. I can't even think of any I like. I'm not all that into brands. Halp.
13 years ago
Foggy today. Parts of the tops of the skyscrapers are fuzzed out.
13 years ago 1
Any tags I get done today are courtesy of "Fuck it I'm posting it and hoping it makes sense" Theatre.
13 years ago 13
Things seen in Chicago today- A new-agey flautist street performer. Or maybe it was even a clarinet. I'm not good with instruments.
13 years ago 17
My Little Pony: FiM S02E01 ohmygoshohmygoshohmygosh