Grandpa Mark C
23Friends 4Fans
male Seattle, WA, United States
The avatar formerly known as Sidney Smalls.
Grandpa Mark C
3 years ago 2
back to see if there is anyone left on here
Grandpa Mark C
6 years ago
0.00 Karma Plurk
Grandpa Mark C
6 years ago 1
is there anybody out there?
Grandpa Mark C
6 years ago
Zero karma plurk
Grandpa Mark C
6 years ago
If I forget something, it's my fault. If my wife forgets something, it's my fault for not reminding her. FML
Grandpa Mark C
7 years ago 2
Wife: “Isn’t it nice someone in the world thinks of you as rugged and outdoors-y?”
Me: “If you think you’re the only one who sees me that way, you don’t really see me that way.”

She was annoyed, but my point is solid.
Grandpa Mark C
7 years ago
Grandpa Mark C
7 years ago
Dennys waiter says he likes my great head of hair.
Grandpa Mark C
8 years ago