22Friends 1Fans
United States
13 hours ago 5
Probably not going to do a TL for Ranma this event. I've got a lot on my plate atm I need to finish over before diving into anything else.
3 days ago
[RP] Watching the game awards rn, but afterwards, I'm coming for yalls inboxes.
3 days ago 4
[life problems] We might be losing the family car.
6 days ago 1
[health?] Woke up from a nap just now, felt my nose stopped up, went to blow it and now one of my nostril's bleeding.
1 weeks ago 2
[computer] Keyboard on my laptop's starting to act finnicky. Some keys like the p or ' will be unresponsive until I press them multiple times, and when I hold the shift button, it won't work with those keys. It'll work with every other key just fine, but with those two, it won't work. It did this a while ago, and seemed to have fixed itself after a restart
1 weeks ago 7
[work] Place I was supposed to apply to re-scheduled the meeting. Again.
2 weeks ago 8
https://images.plurk.com/73KzFZKkfZrmwv3T7r4zGU.png https://images.plurk.com/5HytLHuLBenu6nlf9knQgm.png It was at this moment, Ranma knew, he fucked up.