[work] project director: “don’t worry about speed at all! take your time and go slowly to make sure everything is accurate!”
also project director: “we have 14 business days to finish this project and we probably won’t make the deadline even with this team working overtime at top speed!”
today on I Moved To California So My Family Can't Keep Track Of Anything I Do: stepdad failed to notice that I moved to a different apartment almost TWO YEARS AGO and has sent christmas presents to the wrong apartment for two years running now
I cannot even believe how crappy I feel today
[FF 30th anniversary] my first final fantasy was VIII and it's still one of my favorites and I'll fucking fight a man about it
[work] has job for three weeks, gets assigned to highest priority project in the entire company atm
[art | ffxv] finished the art for the episode ignis charms! ...inside the plurk bc it's spoilers
[art | wip] episode ignis spoilers:
@ manufacturing gods when can I get double sided printing on specialty acrylics